ArcasEQ Tools
Stainless steel T20 driver used to insert the polyaxial screw into the bone
Stainless Steel “T” T30 driver used to tighten the locking (set) screw into the head of the polyaxial screw
Counter torque tool used to hold the head of the polyaxial screw in place while adjusting and tightening
Stainless steel T20 driver used to insert the polyaxial screw into the bone
Stainless Steel “T” T30 driver used to tighten the locking (set) screw into the head of the polyaxial screw
Counter torque tool used to hold the head of the polyaxial screw in place while adjusting and tightening
Stainless steel T20 driver used to insert the polyaxial screw into the bone
Stainless Steel “T” T30 driver used to tighten the locking (set) screw into the head of the polyaxial screw
Counter torque tool used to hold the head of the polyaxial screw in place while adjusting and tightening