We refuse to compromise on quality. That’s why our materials are 100% sourced from the USA and all products are manufactured right here in Minnesota.

However, we also want to make sure everyone can provide their animals the care they deserve. That’s why we set affordable prices for the highest quality care.

We refuse to compromise on quality. That’s why our materials are 100% sourced from the USA and all products are manufactured right here in Minnesota.

ArteMedics wants to ensure everyone can provide their animals the care they deserve. That’s why we set affordable prices for the highest quality care.

The ArcasMini product line is commonly used for toy through medium breed dogs, in addition to cats.

This system utilizes 3.5 mm ø rods of various lengths with the incredibly small ArcasMini heads to yield a robust stabilization system.

The ArcasUltra product line is commonly used for medium through extra-large breed dogs.

This system utilizes 5.5 mm ø rods of various lengths with the low profile ArcasUltra heads to yield a robust stabilization system.

CMFyx Titanium Self-Drilling Screws

Stainless Steel Twist Drill Bits (For Use With ArcasUltra & ArcasMini Implants)

Orthopedic Stabilization

CMFyx Driver Blades
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CMFyx Screwdriver
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CMFyx Titanium Self-Drilling Screw: 2.0 mm diameter
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ArcasMini Titanium Rod Set
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CMFyx Titanium Self-Drilling Screw: 1.5 mm diameter
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